Achieving Work Goals
Help Individuals Achieve Work, Create Community, And Be a Part of a Support Network

What if you had a difficult time focusing on work because of a disability? Steven Juetten is a passionate person who strives for independence and is proud of the work he does. Working allows Steven to focus on achieving his goals. Steven needs a bit of help with his work.
Steven has a developmental disability, Down syndrome.
With his passion for work, and the support he receives at EEI, he achieves his goals.
Your donation today will help ensure that others like Steven will have the opportunity to find meaningful work to help them achieve their goals.
Before working at EEI, Steven attended Pierz Pioneer Elementary, Little Falls Community Middle School, and Pierz Healy High School. Steven graduated in 2006, and he went to work right away.
Steven worked at various businesses in Little Falls completing tasks like bussing tables and folding boxes. Myrna Juetten, Steven’s mother said, “His disability was creating difficulties with work.” Steven was being asked to leave jobs. After skipping around work sites for a couple of years, Steven arrived at EEI in 2010, where he was given even more opportunities to explore the work force in EEI’s recycling shop and at businesses where EEI has production and cleaning contracts. He worked while being supported by a job coach.
In 2022 Steven began a new kind of job. He was the first EEI individual who had community placement. Steven started work at Little Falls Community Schools, hired directly by the district and given the chance to earn a paycheck, paid time off, and holiday time directly from a community organization.
Steven is a crucial part of an incredible team.
Above photo: Steven and his coworker Nathan with their job coach JoAnn.
Steven and his team get to the school early each day so they can give fist bumps to the students who are leaving for the day. When the middle school has their night walkers program, community members say hello. Some middle school staff and community members remember him from attending school in Little Falls. He knows the other custodian’s kids. Steven has a sense of pride in the community where he works.
Pride comes from a job well done. It also comes from being hired directly by the school. Steven and his team are listed as staff in the yearbook, have embroidered shirts with their names, name badges, and fobs to get into each area of the school. Steven and his team are trusted to do their jobs well.
When other custodians need help, they can jump in to help complete the job. They work at the middle school as their home base but will step in at the high school and elementary schools for special cleaning projects.
Steven uses work to strive for independence!
Steven has the goal of being a father one day. Being able to work allows him to plan and make his goals a reality. He likes to go to camps, spend time with family, vacation, shoot bow, go four wheeling, and bicycle. All his hobbies are better supported when he can earn a paycheck, paid time off, and holiday time.
His job coach and coworkers help him manage his work and have fun while doing it!
Another goal of Steven’s is to work more independently. When he heads to work, he rides a van that drops off other independently placed individuals from EEI, hired directly by a community organization. The individuals work independently with occasional check-ins from EEI’s Employment Services Coordinator and the Work Skills Development Designated Coordinator.
Above photo: Steven at work wheeling a trash container to the dumpster.
Steven strives to work more independently, like other community placed EEI individuals.
The pride and independence in work he already has is seen by his support system at home as much as Steven feels it. Gail Holtz, Steven’s house manager said, “He feels a wonderful sense of pride and independence that comes from his work with EEI and his job at the school.”
Above photo: Steven at work emptying a trash container.
Gail says, “He goes to work happy and comes home happy!”
Myrna and Larry Juetten, Steven’s parents, are proud of Steven’s work ethic and the consistent work a community placement job creates. They also think having a job coach is helping Steven succeed.
Steven is supported by his job coach, team, and community.
Although his disability impacted his work early in his life, he was able to gain better work skills and pursue a community placement job.
At EEI Steven found work, community, and a support network.
But EEI needs your help to continue supporting individuals like Steven.
With your support, individuals with diverse abilities can achieve work, create community, and be a part of a support network. You can help support the vision of person-centered employment for someone like Steven who has a developmental disability.
You’ll also have peace of mind, knowing that you’ve done what you can to help a strong, hopeful, determined individual achieve his goals.
Above photo: Steven working at his community placement job.
Financial support from community members like you allows individuals like Steven to achieve their goal of work, engage in the community through enriching activities, and find what they need to be supported in their goals.
You can be part of our community!
Donations of all sizes are welcome and make a difference. Your donation or planned gift will impact the lives of people in your community who want work, belonging, and independence for years to come.
And don’t forget, you can increase your impact by inviting friends and family to donate!
Please donate as generously as you can today:
- Scan the Network for Good QR Code.
- Text “Donate” or “Give” to 866-570-0979
- Make an online donation by clicking “Donate” on
- Donate by check to EEI at P.O. Box 303, Little Falls, MN 56345
- Visit in person at 307 Ninth Avenue, NW, Little Falls, MN 56345
- Include EEI in your will.
- Call Kathy Rutz at 320-639-2432 or email to arrange a tour to learn more about how you can get involved with EEI.
- Scan the Facebook QR code to follow us.
On behalf of all of us at EEI and the individuals like Steven who have benefited from your support, thank you. Happy Holidays!
Kathy Rutz
Executive Director